Black Swan Arts Event Archives
Featuring an archive of events which have taken place in Black Swan Arts, including workshops, artist talks, panel discussions, art carboot and more…

Preview Evenings – Throughout 2017
Black Swan has a diverse range of exhibitions across the building, including the Round Tower and Divas Cafe. Long Gallery preview nights are always lively, with the whole building open for you to explore 6-8pm, have a drink and meet up with friends.
See Round Tower Gallery and Long Gallery Exhibitions for upcoming dates.

The Future Can’t Wait
Artist panel talk, Bath Spa students in Long Gallery
1 Thu 23 March, 6.30pm
There will be an artists’ panel discussion in the Long Gallery featuring MA students who will explain the context of their work.
‘The Future Can’t Wait’ addresses the issue of uncertainty in a time of political, economic and environmental upheaval. Dr Andrea Medjesi-Jones, course leader on the MA Fine Art course and an artist herself, says: “It is hard to envisage what the future holds or indeed looks like. Can the future exist at all, and if so when does it start? There are no easy answers, but one thing is certain – the future can’t wait.”
It promises to be a fascinating discussion and a great chance for young creatives to consider their future within the creative sector.

BBC Get Creative at the Black Swan Arts
Saturday 8 April, from 2-4pm
Black Swan Arts will be taking part in BBC’s nationwide Get Creative event on Saturday 8 April, from 2-4pm, alongside ‘The Future Can’t Wait’, an exciting show of exhibits from 30 MA postgraduate students across four disciplines – ceramics, fashion and textiles, fine art and visual communication.
The MA artists will work with young people offering activities for children of all ages, exploring concepts of their current exhibition at Black Swan ‘The Future Can’t Wait’ (18 March-15 April). All welcome! BBC get-creative-weekend.
The Bath Spa artists will offer unique creative activities and sensory experiences for children to make and be inspired, including origami, textured collages or mini sculptures. Children will be encouraged to look, touch, participate, have conversations with the students artists, explore their ideas and be part of the exhibition. The children’s creations will be exhibited online as the exhibition progresses – a chance to collaborate and expand the show together.
BSA Artisans will offer free drop-in taster workshops for adults and children. Have a go texturing metal, forming intricate patterns and adding gold to silver (keum boo) in Linda and Yasemin’s interactive jewellery-making demonstrations (ages 8+). Lila will be painting flowers and fruit, welcoming visitors to ‘have a go’. Jack will demonstrate pen and watercolour techniques to bring flair to drawings – encouraging you to try. Suzi’s porcelain bead painting taster-workshop will demonstrate bead decorating – ages 10+ can have a go!

2016 Young Open prize winners and workshop providers
As this year’s Young Open exhibition comes to a close, a reminder of the prize winners and workshop providers- huge thanks to everyone involved with this and for making it such a successful exhibition!
Each winner receives a bespoke half-day workshop with a professional artist, this year the artists kindly donating their time are:
Jenny Ford – Print maker
Jenny Barton – Ceramics
Belinda Brownlee – Ceramics
Fiona Hingston – Textiles and drawing
Candace Bahouth – Mosaic
Suzie Gutteridge – Felt-making
Fiona Campbell – Wire sculpture
Duncan Cameron – Sculpture with found objects
Bronwen Bradshaw – Etching
Rosie Hart – Graphic design / website
Gladys Paulus – Felt sculpture
Mayumi Kaneko – Natural dyes for artwork
Sara Parsons – Drawing, painting, photography

Bristol Skipchen-Sea of Humanity
On Saturday 30 April from 6- 7.30pm there will also be a creative facilitation workshop, exploring public perceptions around the refugee crisis and how they relate to domestic politics in the UK and EU.
All welcome.

IN THE ABSENCE OF TRUTH: art and debate about refugees and migrants
Thursday 29th June 7 pm (admission free)
An evening of discussion arising from a talk by Alison Harvey, barrister and legal officer and former general secretary of the Immigration Law Practitioners Association.
Alison has for decades been informing and engaging with Parliamentarians, lawyers and the public about refugee and immigration law and policy,
She will define the term ‘refugee’ and speak about the experience of becoming caught up in the UK asylum system, and draw on her work with UNHCR in West Africa and with displaced people. In addition, she will inform the audience about the wide swathe of free/forced movement that the term ‘migration’ encapsulates.
Then in dialogue with artist Ricky Romain, Alison will consider the questions;
1) Does art make you care more about whether something you read or hear is true or not? If so how?
2) Does art help you to sort out what is true from what is not true?
This will be followed by contributions to the discussion from the audience chaired by Heather Fallows.

‘That which colours the mind’ – An Afternoon Sitar Recital
Frome Festival Event Code: 1514
Saturday 15 July 3.30-5pm
Location: Black Swan Arts
Price: £8.00 / 5.00
Ricky Romain has performed regularly throughout the West Country, Nationally and in Europe over the last forty years. In 1972 he became a residential pupil of Punita Gupta, disciple of Ravi Shankar. He continued to study Indian classical music by the traditional master/pupil method, eventually becoming proficient in the understanding, and use, of Rag and Tal, (Melody and Rhythm), and with the improvisational techniques associated with Northern Indian classical music conventions. In addition, he has worked with practitioners from other musical and artistic genres including Jazz, Rock, Folk, World and Western Classical Music, Dance, and Movement.

Black Swan Arts Summer Car Boot – Sunday 16 July 2017
As part of the Frome Festival, this year’s Art Car Boot Sale will take place on Sunday 16th July in the Cattle Market Car Park from 10-4pm. It’s a great opportunity to meet artists, craftspeople and makers direct, discuss their work and buy something local and lovingly made!

Grow with your Sketchbook
Saturday 22 July, 10am-12.30pm
Long Gallery, Black Swan Arts. £16.50 pp
Half-day sketchbook workshop led by artist Duncan Cameron and curator Aya Kobayashi. Aimed at young people aged 8+.
In response to the exhibition of sketchbooks and Duncan Cameron’s work, participants will work from an array of interesting objects provided, linked to nature. The workshop will cover observation, collecting evidence, mark making and annotation through an experimental booklet of sketches in mixed media.
As part of the national touring exhibition ‘Sketch’, showing at Black Swan Arts, 22 July – 3 September, and sponsored by Visual Arts South West to give young people the chance to get creative during the summer holiday.

Start with a Sketch to Glove Puppet-making
Wednesday 9 August, 10am-12pm or Wednesday 9 August, 2-4pm
Long Gallery, Black Swan Arts. £16.50 pp
Half- day workshop led by Greg Stephens (Cornelius Clifford puppets) and artist Fiona Campbell, aimed at children aged 5+ accompanied by adults.
Making simple glove puppets initiated by sketches inspired by the exhibition ‘Sketch’ and resources provided, using found materials eg fabric, faux fur, foam, beads, buttons, wire, pipe cleaners.
As part of the national touring exhibition ‘Sketch’, showing at Black Swan Arts, 22 July – 3 September, and sponsored by Visual Arts South West to give young people the chance to get creative during the summer holiday.

Workshop with Angela Morley
Wed 4 October 2017, 1-3pm
Round Tower Gallery, Black Swan Arts. £30 pp
Organic forms using soft natural materials
An experimental workshop exploring natural materials and forms. Weave, plait, bind or stitch grasses, sedge leaves, twigs, and willow to create bowl-like, leaf-like and abstract forms.
In conjunction with Somerset Art Weeks Festival ‘17 ‘Prospect’: ‘Ephemeral and Eternal’ Exhibition
£30 ticket price includes materials and refreshments.

Workshop with Fiona Campbell
Sat 7 October 2017, 1-3pm
Round Tower Gallery, Black Swan Arts. £25 pp (adult) or £12.50 (under 16s)
Organic forms using found and reclaimed materials
A family friendly workshop making experimental organic forms with reclaimed and found materials including wire, twine, wood, netting, steel and plastic components. A chance to explore new ideas and techniques in response to the natural environment and inspired by work in the exhibition. All ages welcome, children accompanied please.
In conjunction with Somerset Art Weeks Festival ‘17 ‘Prospect’: ‘Ephemeral and Eternal’ Exhibition
Ticket price includes materials and refreshments.

Organic Forms: Sculptural Drawing
Saturday 7 October, 10am-12pm
Round Tower Gallery, Black Swan Arts
Tickets cost £12.50 pp including refreshments & materials
Led by Fiona Campbell in the Round Tower Gallery.

One day weaving workshop with ‘Shed Studio’
Sunday 26 November, 10am – 4pm
£75 including tuition, equipment and materials
The workshops are an introduction to the world of weaving, and learning to weave on a frame loom is the best way to start. Starting from preparing and ‘warping’ the loom and covering basic weaving techniques to design advice and guidance. By the end of the day, you will have completed a small wall tapestry to take away with you. Class numbers are small so there is plenty of one-on-one time with each student. I have also attached a copy of the leaflet for your information.
Natasha is an award-winning textile designer with over 10 years experience and would love to share with you what she knows.
Get in touch to book or for more information:
natasha.shedstudio@ 07835901411 |
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One day weaving workshop with ‘Shed Studio’
Sunday 10 December, 10am – 4pm
£75 including tuition, equipment and materials
The workshops are an introduction to the world of weaving, and learning to weave on a frame loom is the best way to start. Starting from preparing and ‘warping’ the loom and covering basic weaving techniques to design advice and guidance. By the end of the day, you will have completed a small wall tapestry to take away with you. Class numbers are small so there is plenty of one-on-one time with each student. I have also attached a copy of the leaflet for your information.
Natasha is an award-winning textile designer with over 10 years experience and would love to share with you what she knows.
Get in touch to book or for more information:
natasha.shedstudio@ 07835901411 |
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